We believe in transparency when it comes to our worship. We invite all honest hearts to come join us. We firmly believe that worship is not about entertainment or self-validation, but about praising and pleasing God. As such, our worship consists of prayers and songs to God, communion with our Lord Jesus, and the proclamation of His message delivered through the Bible. We encourage and extol each other to remain faithful to Him. To do this we sing encouragements, pray for comfort and help, and take a freewill donation from members to do the work of the Lord. If you have questions about what the church does in worship or what the purpose of our gathering (and its funds) are, please feel free to contact us and ask more questions! Read more about our practices below:
The congregation offers a friendly welcome to all who attend our worship services. Visitors will not be embarrassed or imposed upon in any way. If you wish, you may fill out a visitor’s card which provides a place for your name and address and the opportunity to request a personal Bible study.
We use the first hour of our Sunday morning assembly to study the Bible. Separate classes are available based upon age. Our studies are always based on the Bible whether we are doing an expository study of a particular Bible book or doing a topical study using an outline or Bible Class study guide. Our Bible studies are open, which means everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion. The Bible classes generally last about 45 minutes.
The New Testament pattern of worship includes the singing of hymns (Colossians 3:16). For that reason, the singing of hymns is also a part of our worship. We usually sing several spiritual songs in the course of our worship. Our singing is led by a capable leader. Individual hymn books are available for everyone to use. The singing is acappella (i.e. without instrumental accompaniment), which is also in keeping with the New Testament pattern of worship.
At various times during our worship a brother will be asked to lead a public prayer. We pray to God for daily guidance and encouragement. We pray in behalf of others who may be in ill health or who have requested our prayers for a particular need. We pray for Christians around the world. We also pray for our country and its leaders that Christians will continue to be blessed with the freedom of worship and the strength to continue to worship even if that freedom is denied.
No part of our worship is more important than partaking of the Lord’s Supper. We do so, as Jesus instructed, in memory of his death on the cross and in thanks for the salvation that his broken body and shed blood purchased for mankind.
Each Lord’s Day the members of the Chester Church of Christ contribute to the Lord’s work. We do so as each person has purposed in his own heart. We do so cheerfully and liberally. As a visitor to our assembly, you will not be expected to take part in this offering.
We listen to a sermon from God’s word, usually lasting around 30 or 40 minutes. An invitation is offered and an invitation song is sung at the conclusion of the sermon. Our entire worship service is generally over in about one hour.