What is the day that the Lord has made?
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24).
Most of us freely quote Psalm 118:24 in reference to any and every day with which we have been
blessed. And it certainly is true that every day is indeed a day that the Lord has made and a day in
which we should rejoice and be glad. Please consider the following blessings of God that come into
our lives each day that the Lord has made and given to us.
“Day by day the Lord commands his steadfast love” (Ps 42:8). “Blessed be the Lord who daily
bears us up” (Ps 68:19). “Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day” (Ps
96:2). Ps 139:16 speaks of “the days that were formed for me.” Matthew 11:2 describes God as one
who gives to us each day “our daily bread.” 2 Cor 4:16 states that our inner man (our spirit) is being
renewed day by day.” In response to God’s blessings which he bestows on us day by day, David
declares, “Every day I will bless you and praise your name” (Ps 154:2).
Our question, however, has to do with “the day that the Lord has made” as referred to in Psalm
118:24. This is not a reference to just any day or every day as in the scriptures cited above. Psalm 118:24 is
a reference to a special day, and a special event. How do we know this? We know because the
context of Psalm 118:24 is quoted in the New Testament, and when an Old Testament prophesy is
quoted in the New Testament the true meaning and application of the prophecy becomes clear. And
Psalm 118:22-24 is a prophecy which is fulfilled in Christ.
When Psalm 118:22-24 is read, you will immediately understand what it is referring to. The
passage reads: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s
doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad
in it.” Sound familiar? Ring any bells?
Well, yes, of course! These verses are very familiar to us as they are quoted in 1 Peter 2:5-8 and
refer to the day that Jesus Christ was made the chief cornerstone of his spiritual house, i.e. the
church; the spiritual house of which Christians are living stones. That is the day in which we should
rejoice and be glad! That is the day referred to by the psalmist in Psalm 118:24 when he writes,
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
You may then ask, ” When, exactly, was that day?” Well, the psalmist was probably not referring to
one literal, particular day, but rather to a time – a time that would have included many days; the day
of Christ’s resurrection; the day that Christ ascended into heaven and the day of Pentecost as
recorded in Acts chapter two when Peter and the other apostles preached the gospel and people were
for the first time baptized into Christ and the first local church of Christ was established in
Jerusalem. All of these days and events are part of the process by which Jesus became the
Today and everyday is a day given by the Lord and a day in which we should rejoice and be glad,
but the day spoken of in Psalm 118:24, is not today or just any day, but rather the day that Jesus
became the cornerstone of the church as taught in 1 Peter 2:5-8 where Psalm 118:22-24 is quoted.